Individuals with disabilities have options of choosing recreation through NWSRA, their own home park district or both.Inclusion Services through NWSRA provide assistance to member park district programs that allows individuals with disabilities to fully engage in park district leisure services.Principles of Inclusion
The principles of inclusion take into consideration the needs and concerns of the:

  • individual participant
  • parents
  • family members
  • park district

NRPA Inclusion

NWSRA was the recipient of the 2013 National Park and Recreation Association Excellence in Inclusion Award given to one agency throughout the nation that exemplifies best practices in inclusion and diversity.

Types of Inclusion Assistance
Assistance provided to the park district may include:

  • training and guidance of park district staff
  • adapted equipment
  • resources
  • aides

Requesting Inclusion is Easy:

      1) Simply register for the program of choice through the park district.


      2) Indicate the disability and accommodations needed for participation on the park district registration form.


    3) The park district may contact you for additional information, and will work with NWSRA to determine the most appropriate assistance in each situation.


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